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Bill Newhouse

Cybersecurity Engineer & Project Lead
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence

Dr. Vincent Berk

Chief Strategy Officer
Quantum Xchange

On-Demand Webinar

Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography

The Discovery Phase

Understanding the security architecture of your networks, and the vast dependencies on quantum-vulnerable public key encryption (PKE), is critical to an efficient and cost-effective, post-quantum cryptographic transition.

A recommended first step is enterprise-wide cryptographic visibility – a full inventory of the use of cryptography across the organization. From this discovery phase, informed risk assessment and migration prioritization decisions can be made.

Quantum Xchange and special guest, Bill Newhouse of NIST and the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) discuss crypto discovery and other preparation considerations for the inevitable replacement of PKE with quantum-resistant cryptography.

Watch the webinar to discover:

  • Popular use-cases where the discovery of quantum-vulnerable algorithms will be most paramount, i.e., network systems, key management systems, end-user systems.
  • How to continuously monitor network traffic for cryptographic risks examining both sanctioned and unsanctioned encryption as it passes by.
  • Utilizing this actionable, crypto intelligence to develop a risk-based playbook for quantum-safe migration involving people, processes, and technology.
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